angelawu: shan wed meet ups bahz... after work meet you...but i think arouund 8 liao......meet where?
* I thursday got class from 830am to 6pm. So i don't think my brain can tahan if we meet after 8. LOL.
yunting: i think she's still quite pretty too in her before pics, only 12 yrs old for goodness sake! and i think she only went for the lips and the rest are just make up. and i want higher and sharper nose... my nose is damn flat lar.
* Ya i think her eyes are naturally very beautiful. Only the lips. Haha. Some claimed she had braces thus the swollen lips. But that time when i put braces also never swell until so jialat lae. Haha. I want higher and shaper nose too ! Haha.
you: OMG YOU'VE ACROSSED ANGELA'S BLOG TOO! i think shes soo pretty pls, i think you are so super pretty to really i swear. ur nose is close to comparison to mine which is like the size of an ant eater.
* Yea she's awesomely gorgeous. And i don't think i am super pretty ? And lol to ant-eater !
miemiemie: WTF! she had surgery!? all this time, i've been thinking that she had this very natural beauty..so innocent looking.haha she had a fat face before? her lips looked nasty and fat? and her nose? whaaaat the hell! i never imagined!
* Me too ! I thought everything bout her is real ! I think the nose and face looks alright. Its the lips ! Haha.
lalala: I think your lips is way nicer than the before ps angelababy haha. Her lips really disgusted me
* Haha thankyou. But i really love her post-surgical lips. And her nose (be it pre or post surgical, still very nice!)
anon: angelawu i noticed tat everytime u tag u tag nonsense rubbish & poor english. pls improve ur english la
* =.="
angelawu: erm plasticsurgery??? haha.... i think scrub???
* What scrub ??