Been awfully busy recently, spending time with the boyfriend. So, yours truly's finally back, to present to you the adventures of Jisheng and Huishan !! Warning warning, image heavy !!
Stayover at Farrer Park officially started on Tuesday and the day saw the two of us heading town to catch SECRET, and to hunt for his Mom's birthday present.

Pretty disappointing as it wasn't what i expect it to be. Another LakeHouse i would say, but i'd rate Secret,
★★★★☆! Heh, you're talking to a JayChou fangirl, so bear with it yeah ? In the meantime, pictures again (:

I never knew i was that camera shy

And guess where did we stomach these yummy noodles ?

Shh.. It's 不能说的秘密

And i just realised that the action in the above photo has got a wee bit resemblance to a certain inside joke that we Mdeas people had some time ago. I didn't do it on purpose, so don't boycott me, heh !!
***Wednesday Down to Tan Tock Seng to visit B's grandma, and we went to Cold Storage for grocery shopping with his Mum. And and, i was a happy girl until Elson told me that results are out already. And yes you're right, my grades are not as good as i expect them to be.
And, my sucky results are as follows :

And if you guys remembered, my GPA was 3.17 last semester (Yes, a drop of 0.01) But if you guys remembered, i need a bombastic GPA of 3.8 for this semester alone so that i can get an average of 3.3 for my whole 3 years and i can
TRY to get into a Uni. And look at my pathetic Major Project's grade !! All my other grades fell cause of MP, and cause of MP, i did so much work, put in so much effort, had so many sleepless nights, and all i get is a B. Oh wells. So much for ENC MP huh.
But i'm proud to proclaim that,

Cooked spaghetti (together with my B) for dinner and i felt the awful tremors while cutting the sausages. And it's funny how B claims that he could not feel them and i had to make him stand still before he could feel the building shaking (:
***Thursday Accompanied my boy to his dental and off we were to Serangoon for some good food hunting.

Crazy stuffs we ordered from the food centre and ChompChomp. We had Ou Luak (Oyster Omelette) , Char Kway Teow, Chicken Satay, 2 different stall's Tau Huey, and Soya Milk with Chin Chow from the food centre, flavoured Tau Huey from ChompChomp, and mega huge crispy chicken cutlet from Serangoon Central.

And we left Serangoon feeling all full and satisfied :D

Tonight's my last night at Farrer Park and B and i finally caught 300 together. Okay, time to hit the bed and make some babies !!