Sorry for the lack of updates (yes I know I havent been updating again, like what's new right). Anyways, diet plan have been chucked aside for the festive season and hopefully I can get back on track asap for the new year. Who wants to look fat on New Year right ? Already had trouble fitting into my usual dresses for my friend's wedding. Don't wanna screw up my New Year haha.
So as the title suggests, this shall be a quick update. Not gonna type too much. Gotta sum up my December with some photos. Will talk about November when I have the time aye :/
Amos & Xueling's wedding, 15th Dec
Christmas gift exchange at GFS, 23rd Dec
H&M Family and Friends, 23rd Dec
BBQ for Xingxian's 23rd birthday, 24th Dec
XX's 23rd. b4L the original, 24th Dec
B's grams place for Melvin, Yihao & Weiwei's birthday, 25th Dec
Summing up my month of December, it was a month of ups and downs, with hiccups along the way, but I'm glad that after all the dramas, things still pretty much turned out the way I wanted it to. So yea, be back before the New Year I hope (: